The Woke Lawyer is an initiative to advocate a coherent understanding of legal and political issues. Our domain ranges from the Indian legal sphere to local and international political conflicts. We analyse the causes and implications of conflicts, write about international relations, specially from the perspective of law. We aim to broaden your intellectual horizons and promote a structured thought process. We aim to create citizens who can make wise and informed choices and develop a holistic understanding of political issues.We are a youth-led organization, and we endeavour to create a global network of readers and writers.
We focus on providing a comprehensive and holistic analysis on current global problems. We intend to provide this extremely well crafted content to our readers free of cost. With authors on board from over twelve countries, we strive for a diverse and creative approach to contemporary global issues. At The Woke Lawyer, our team works to unfold geopolitical realities and present them to you, simplified. We promote intelligence, not information. Our team has come together to build a strong force of renowned authors and experts in their fields. We shall generate a wave of consciousness to be better citizens who believe in accountable governance and global governance.
Any article/research paper/material published on The Woke Lawyer's Blog shall be an intellectual property of The Woke Lawyer Foundation ™️ and reproduction of the same is prohibited. The Woke Lawyer reserves the right to use the article/research paper/material in any form of media for promotion/any kind of publication.